Thursday, August 19, 2010

How to get a full scholarship to a top ranking University?

Who wants to go to Cambridge? :)

Most  undergraduates in Sri Lanka thinks Cambridge is a place, only rich people can go. No its not. There are many scholarship schemes which support students.

This is a 100% sponsorship. That means they take care of everything from your air ticket to the university fees and food and all, so you don't need to spend anything at all. Read the link below.

How to find a top ranking university?

Since most people were excited about Cambridge, I posted the above. But its not the top ranking university in the world in every category. Before you select a university , you need to check on its world rankings. If you are hoping to stay in Sri Lanka, you should check with  UGC (University Grants Commission) whether that university is an UGC approved university. Otherwise for some jobs/universities in Sri Lanka will not accept that degree certificate.

University ranking change depending on the subjects you do, course you do (e.g Undergraducate degree or MBA or MSC) , reaserch facilities, employment opportunities etc. You have to decide which category you will assess it on. You can find these ranking easily by a google search. All you have to do is, go to google and do a small search saying  "World university rankings" or what ever related words such as "Worlds best engineering universities rank" , "University rankings for MBA" etc. I found some links for you, but each year you have to check for the latest and 3 year average ranking would be the best.

Which country /Which university /Which field you need the scholarship for?

Check the below link. In this, scholarships are categorised by application dates, country, purpose, study area etc.

It only needs bit of reading and your dedication to complete the IELTS etc and your patience to fill the application. Thats all.

Don't ever regret later. In some things in life, you don't get a second chance.

I wish you good luck and all the best. And just like I did, please share this information with someone in need. That would enlighten someone's life.


Anonymous said...

Thanks for this info.But its not so easy as your post says. About 7000 people apply to Cambridge within a year and only about 20 people gets the scholarship. So obviously we have no chance at all.

Nishadee said...

Thank you for sharing your views. NO its wrong. Since most people who have the required qualifications think the same way you think, the few who anyway apply has a high chance of getting selected. Every one here I know who applied for a scholarship succeeded up to some extent. That is they received atleast 50% tution fees. If you have fulfilled the required criterias there is no reason for them not to consider you in the selection process. How many have applied is immaterial. These statistics just says how many applications they received. It does not specifically says how many of those have fulfilled the requirements or how many of them have properly filled the forms etc. So don't worry. Come out of the inferior feeling. If you need my help, drop me a note. I will always be there to help and happy to do so. All the best !!

Anonymous said...

Loads of thanks for these information Nishadee. I went to the best school of this country and I can;t belive I didn't know this. A simple google search would have given all this information. But I never did such a search, only because I did not know such things exist at all. I always thought only superb students gets scholarships and we can't even think of those. These information cannot be find in university web sites. I don't know why they don't link these to university web sites. If then students could have easily get those. Anyway what you are doing is just great. Keep up the good work. All the best.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

nishadee akki ! i am a student of a leading school in sri lanka ! i m in grade 13 doing mathematics ! my intention is to go abroad after my a/l s , but i have no any correct idea of doing that ! i mean i don't know how to work for that ! CAN YOU PLEASE explain me how to solve my problem ! ? plz ! thank you !