I happened to read some hilarious comments in a gossip web site where men in Sri Lanka expressed their sadness over their wives getting fat and not paying any attention to keeping up the body shape after a baby is born. Then I thought this is a timely article to write. Running is of course a good way to keep up not only the body shape but the good health. It is one of the best form of exercise for both men and women.
I'm not a professional runner, but I was an athlete once upon a time in life. I've run without any of these luxuries and then with all these things. Therefore I know the difference it makes you feel. On the other hand, the best motivation to run is , buying expensive running suits and items. Then you have no choice, but to run because otherwise you will feel guilty for the money you spent on those :)
I'm not a professional runner, but I was an athlete once upon a time in life. I've run without any of these luxuries and then with all these things. Therefore I know the difference it makes you feel. On the other hand, the best motivation to run is , buying expensive running suits and items. Then you have no choice, but to run because otherwise you will feel guilty for the money you spent on those :)
(picture credit - http://withheart.com)